We decided to have Battleline. No roll for scenario
Terrain was randomized as BRB 8th page 142. My opponent won the first placement.Terrain placement order is below
- Watchtower
- River
- Wattchtower
- Sinister statue
- Dwarwen brewhouse
- Forest in near river
- Forest in middle
- Hill
- Blacing barricade
- Sorcerous Portal
My opponent got purple sun, soulblight, cares of laniph and spirit leech.
I swapped protection for desert winds.
Deployment analyze:
- those necroknights and skeletal warriors were really hard to place. I anticipated warriors. When my opponent got his troopers down, I realized that he went marauder wulfrik ambushing core. I could have placed those warriors somewhere on the flank protection casket, but then my Necrotect would have been without unit.
My oppnent went very aggresive with his chimeras and deamon prince.
Sorcerous portal gave wyssan to my chariot. He got pretty average magic, tried to cast sniping spells to settra, which I let go and they didn't do any damage. due ward+mag res. He tried to cast purple sun, but I dispelled it.
On shooting, he used all three breaht weapons to settra and managed to do 1 wound on him. One of the hellcannon scattered the shot so that only str 5 hit was made against settra, but it was warded. Other Hell cannon managed to scatter its shot directly over Daemon prince, but unluckily for me he rolled native 1 to wound... It scattered directly away 10 inches from middle of settra.
I charged with settra to daemon prince, due angle of the left side chimera that chariot couldn't over run and since the forest was actually right next to the daemon prince it was better to avoid dangerous terrain with settra and clip it that way.
Sorcerous portal casted speed of light for my flaming chariot. Magic was rather average, I casted 6 pd light of death and my opponent failed to dispel it. It did 1 damage on hellcannon.
At shooting, no damage on hellcannon.
I battled the chimera fights first. Left chimera died directly on impact hits and right one died after ushabtis finished them. Due angles and lines, I wasn't able to make ushabtis to overrun to deamon prince. Flaming chariot revealed ordinary forest and managed to go through forest without DT. Settra got killed by deamon prince, but luckily as result of hierophants death I got only 1 wound to knights.
Marauders ambushed with Wulfrik. Hell cannon failed leadership test and moved forward.
Sorcerous portal shot fireball to marauders and 5 of them died. Magic was 6+1, my opponent channeled with skull of katam but also lost leadership due roll of 1. He used 6 pd purple sun and got irrestible force. It went straigh through the chariot and killed it and through skeleton bunker... I don't know what kind of goat blood was sacrificed to lady dices, but I lost only 10 skeleton warriors out of 40... Unfortunately he got 12 dices bac and lost 4 due miscast result. He also did damage to chariots with that result and damaged himself. After that he tried to snipe my necrotect. I tried to dispel low spirit leech, but failed. Luckily I survived with both sniping spells, he managed to cast soulblight on the chariots on the flank.
At close combat daemon prince really flobbed. He failed to do single wound on my chariots, and battle was draw.
I tried to pan cake the daemon prince with ushabtis and chariots. Crumble test hitted ushabtis that charge to combat and horse archers. lonely horse archers managed to baby sit hellcannon. Stalkers came beneath the sands. I swift reformed with skeleton warriors and backed up a little. I tried to swift reform with knighst also, but failed.
Sorcerous portal shooted marauders again with fireball and 4 died. At magic I tried to cast casket on other hellcannon and it got dispelled. Purple sun got scatterd from table.
At shooting I got total 20 shots from stalkers and it was enough to remove hell cannon. They made 7 unsaved wounds!
At close combat, I couldn't do a single wound on the deamon prince, and he did few on lone chariot. I lost the combat by 1.
Marauders charged to casket.
Magic was pretty average again. My opponent managed to cast purple sun again, this time without if. I failed to dispel it. Best of my luck only two ushabtis died as result of miscast and about 15 skeletons were buried in ground. He got a ton of dices back and tried to snipe my necrotect, but failed. He failed soulblight cast natively.
At shooting he scored direct hit with hellcannon to my ushabti troop and that did total 5 wounds on the unit.
I did combined charge to marauders. Horse archers crumbled, and I got little damage overall. knights had two wounds total.
No magic, but sorcerous portal casted Speed of Light on Marauders (this picture is little off, but marauders were closer to portal than my stalkers were)
During close combat my ushabtis survived deamon princes bashing, but I lost the combat by 1 and that chariot had only 1 wound left so it died.
At close combat marauders luckily feared me thus negating the speed of light augment. Wulfrik killed my necrotect and got extra attack from Eye of the Gods. Those ushabtis really out performed and nailed a lot of marauders on the ground. Funny part here was that I actually won the combat, but my opponent didn't break as expected. I was left with 4 skeletons. but my opponent managed roll rather high with his ws 1 marauders and pretty much killed ushabtis and remaining skeletons.
Turn analyze:
- I made common mistake undead players does. Charging tarpit unit along side with hammering unit. At this moment I must say that I knew what I was doing and I knew that I probably would be far better of if I would only charged with ushabtis and made the skeletons take charge from marauders next turn and then bash them with knights. But to be honest, at this moment I didn't see many ways to win and especially since Häkkinen hasn't win many games on our gaming group I felt that it was good sportmanship to have him roll a lot of dices and hack some skeleton skulls.
- That stalker movement on the other hand was very very hard to decide. I was fairly confident that my Ushabtits didn't die this turn and they would die the next turn. I couldn't move to rangeof hell cannon or daemon prince this turn, but I could do it in upcoming turn. I figured that Daemon prince will kill my ushabtis on his turn and I would be able to shoot prince with stalkers and hope for epic dices.
Sorcerous portal AGAIN shot maraders with fireball and killed 4 of them! My opponent got weak magic, casted soulblight on remaining two remaining ushabtis.
Hell cannon missed the knights.
At close combat marauders killed remaining skeletons. Deamon prince on the other hand failed to kill ushabtis and that darn ushabti was left with 1 wound after crumble...
I reformed with stalkers.
At magic sorcerous portal casted plage of rust to maruaders.
At close combat Marauders again failed fear check. I directed two knigh attacks and two serpent attacks to wulfrik and rest to the unit. I rolled pretty good, nailed alot of marauders. I managed to got killing blow on wulfrik, but he got damn parry save! My opponent didn't get much done with ws1 and I got very lucky on 5+ armor save trows. Too bad he didn't break with marauders. At daemon prince fight he nailed the last ushabti and turned to kill my stalkers.
Turn analyze:
- Ok too bad my original stalker usage went to toilet due ushabti survival. I figured that I had two ways to handle this situation. Either I would pursue towards prince and trying to aid maruaders with flank charge, or I could go and try to get points out of hell cannon. Last thing what I needed with my knights would have been daemon prince on my flank, especially if I would have managed to break those marauders that Prince would have denied pursuing. Secondly I couldn't shoot that prince and stalkers are little weak in close combat, thus I decided to threat the cannon. Luckily my opponent went on cannon defence duty with prince.
My opponent charged to my stalker and hell cannon went loose.
Once again fireball killed 4 marauders! At magic my opponent tried to soulblight my knights but I dispelled it.
During close combat my opponent feared again, and again my knights did great. Wulfrik went down along side many of his ambushing marauders. I lost 4 wounds on the knights. Unfortunately he didn't break. Damn steadfast.
At magic that sorcerous portal continued to grind fireballs and killed.. .was it 3 marauders this time. This time my opponent didn't fear and those knights got hammered with pretty average result. Too bad that I failed armor saves, since if I would have been left with one model, that battle was nearly draw, perhaps I still would have wonned it by just a bit and having pretty decent chance of breaking since prince wasn't at 18 range of marauders.
Game analyze:
My opponents point cost are wrong, and I am actually waiting to him post his list to me. I will correct points to list. I don't know what an earth happened to my point costs, I was playing list without every point used. I think that had something to do with ushabtis command group, since I firstly had one 12 ushabtis unit with full command, but then I decided to break them down...
In this game that sorcerous portal was really my friend. It shot fireballs and fried about 15 marauders! Stalkers were also extremely useful and I was really surprised that they can actually kill hell cannon reliably in couble turn. Next time I will have at least two unit of stalkers against my friend.
Final score was 2520 - 760
The Report is Copyright (c) 2009 Loriel. All rights reserved.
This document is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Chaos, the Chaos device, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Darkblade, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, 'Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Golden Demon, Great Unclean One, GW, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, the Khorne logo, Lord of Change, Nurgle, the Nurgle logo, Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, the Slaanesh logo, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, Twin Tailed Comet Logo, Tzeentch, the Tzeentch logo, Warhammer, Warhammer Online, Warhammer World logo, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either (r), TM and/or (c) Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2007, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
Component (c) DeeDee 2009. All rights reserved.
Component by DeeDee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Model made with bricks from a Hirst Arts Fantasy Architecture mold.
Component (c) 2010 Gerry Elliott. All rights reserved.
Component by Gerry Elliott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Component (c) Tom Wright 2009. All rights reserved.
Component by Tom Wright is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Component (c) Tom Wright 2010. All rights reserved.
Component by Tom Wright is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Component (c) Tom Wright 2010. All rights reserved.
Component by Tom Wright is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Component (c) Aaron Port 2009. All rights reserved.
Battle Chronicler Component by Aaron Port is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Component is Copyright (c) 2009 Tom Wright. All rights reserved.
Component by Tom Wright is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.