We made to the Temple of Skull first my liege! King Loriel watched the battle field ahead and hoped that they would manage to perform the ritual in time, before any unwelcome company would arrival. As the tired King watched his fellow desert elves, now chewed to bare bone. Right next to him was Elaidarli, one of his most trusted friend over millenia ago. Elaidarli helped King Loriel to organize Desert Elves domestical affairs and was main architect of his first Tomb. Now Elaidarli is just hollow bone cwith whips . Loriel remembered many intellectual conversations. A faint hope of salvation became to fill his empty veins.
We decided to have Battleline. No roll for scenario
Terrain was randomized as BRB 8th page 142. I made first placement for terrain and then my opponent made. Terrain placement order is below
- Temple of skulls
- Tower ( left )
- Building (in the middle)
- Fenze ( Near temple of skull )
- Forest
- Building ( in deployment zone)
- Fence near tower
Terrain Analyze:
- I was pretty pleased of the terrain, allthough I pretty much made my chariots a hard time placing that building the middle. Still it was better to have it there than not.
King Loriel saw how great Chaos Warrior force arrivaled at the Temple of Skulls. They didn't know what did this lonely Cursed King was doing there, but more likely they were there to gain glory in the Eyes of the Gods. If Loriel could have felt fear, he would have when he saw Archaon one of the greatest and fiersome warlords of all times walking the scene with his elite warriors from north. Those rotten Nurgle infested warriors were cruesome sight. Soon Loriel called formation on the battlline. Due Loriels preparation near the Temple of Skulls he managed to steal the initiative from Archaon. Ushabtis near the King were Elaidarlis personal creations.
Deployment was pretty much here Elaidarli (Ramhotep) gave master artisan rule to ushabti 2.. My hierophant got roll of 5 + 5 + 5 + 6 for his spells. So I swapped skull storm for desert winds and took cursed blades and smiting as free choices. My opponent got Curse of Leper and Plague wind for his level 2 nurgle sorceror and Archaon got Infernal Gateway and Glean magic, but he swapped glean magic for Blue fire of Tzeentch.
I managed to catch first turn even though my opponent deployed his forces first.
Deployment analyze:
- Chariots were pretty much out played. They lacked any real usage during the game. I also had pretty weak spot for skeleton warriors because the fight would be in the middle and they would be forced to be in forest while battle, thus losing rank bonuses.
Loriel knew that he had to use all of his forces to beat oncoming chaos warriors. He commanded all of his combat forces to go forward as fast as possible and ordered chariots to hold back and eliminate the threat of skullcrushers to go in to the rear of Loriels main force.
I went full speed ahead with my main combat blocks
Magig: WoM = 4 + 2 and I got 3 from casket.
- I casted desert winds on 2 pd and moved ushabti, Tomb Guard, skeleton warriors and horsemen.
- I used 1 pd to cast cursed blades on Tomb Guards
- I used 1 pd to cast smiting on Tomb Guards
- I used 5 pd to cast light of death on chimera, my opponent tried to dispel it with 4 DD, but failed. I managed to do 1 wound on chimera and spell didn't bounce to Vortex
No shooting, No close combat
Archaon wasn't too eager to go in battle. He ordered his forces to take small steps. Chimera just couldn't hold it and took casket of souls as its main target.
He took pretty small advances.
At magic he got something like 4+3 or something pretty average
- Archaon casted 3 pd infernal gate way to skeleton warriors and IF,. He managed to kill whopping 2 warriors with that. As misscast he got power drained and he lost all of his magic levels.
- Nurgle sorceror casted curse of the leper on tomb guard with 2 pd and got IF, he detonated killing 3 chaos warrior and he received a wound. he also lost all of his remaining dices.
No shooting, no close combat
Turn Analyze:
- two irrestible forces with 3 pd and 2 pd rolls.
Elaidarli saw that his enemy was just barely in the range and Frantic Fervour he charged and managed to get all of Tomb Guards to join him. Eventhough as King Loriel knew this charge was wasted he couldn't have his WIll be done. As his forces charged on Loriel had no other choice than follow his comrades.
Failed frenzy -> failed charge. Worst part here was that I made that failed charge on 6+1 so I went 6 inches forward. I moved chariots to just 19 inch in hopes of failed frenzy for skullcrushers also. Ushabtis moved to support their Kings, other ushabtis revealed that forest was craweling with wild life. So fierce wild life that they managed to snarl 1 wound on Ushabtis. I tried to swift reform my horsement, but they failed leadership.
At magic I got something like 4+3 + 1
- I casted 2 pd Cursed Blades on Tomb Guard
- I casted 2 pd Smiting on Tomb Guard,. I rolled low only 3, but managed to get that spell on due Book of Asur. My opponent tried to dispel it with 2 DD and he failed.
- I casted 3 pd light of death to chimera, my opponent tried to dispel it with his remaining 2 (without the level 2 ofcourse) and failed. Chimera was killed by caskets light of death
- I casted 1 pd desert winds and managed to get it on. I moved my tomb guards little backwards (this might have been illegal since they had failed charge....)
Shooting skullcurshers with no effect.
Turn analyze
- Killing that chimera was really important. He was just out of Archaons bubble and regeneration wasn't enough. Luckily he needed 11 to get to my casket. I also could have moved casket out of his theoretical charge range or at least ot exact 12. It would have most likely being better to move just little bit so he might have tried to get long charge. Since if I would have put casket out of his theoritical range, then he would surely marched 20 inch and check mated casket (unless casket manages to kill the poor bastard).
Archaon feared on coming Tomb Guards and commanded his warriors to take few steps back and ordered his right flank to support his main line.
As seen my opponent withdrew little.
At magic he got pretty average roll.
- He tried to cast curse of leper on Tomb Guard, but I dispelled it
- He casted very high roll (something like 5+5+5+6) with Mutalith Vortex Beast and I failed to dispel it. He casted it to skeleton warriors and rolled 6 thus 23 warrior fell (little over average =( ) and chaos spawn was summoned nearby.
I decided to get my lich priest of the horsemen unit and swift reformed with horsemen and got them to steer poor random movement chaos spawn. This picture is little wrong, that building wasn't so close perhaps the forest is too low and chaos spawn should have been more upper position. Anyway they had plenty of room to maneuvre to notorious 1 inch random movement steering.
Magic was pretty average
- I tried to cast casket on vortex beast, but it got dispelled
- I bubble casted smiting with rest of my dices, got exact 18 (thanks to book of ashur again)
At close combat my chariots failed to do even a SINGLE wound to skull crushers, still they would have been 2+ armor save, so those chariots were pretty toasted.... 3d6 str 4 impact hits, 12 x str 4 + 8 x str 3 attacks. Skull curshers did some wounds, won the combat and reformed. Ushabtis on the other hand managed to land few critical wounds on corebeast chariot and got it to break just barely.
Archaon saw his moment and ordered full charge ahead. Unfortunately his forces were too stiff to start a proper charge.
Both warrior blocks tried to charge Tomb Guards. They needed like 6 to complete charge and both failed.
Magic was pretty average
- Curse of lepers got dispelled
- Vortex beast managed to cast spell to Tomb Guards and it got 2 wounds and got permanent bonus to BS and ... was it permanent decrease to attacks.
At close combat Skullcrushers nailed the poor chariots and reformed.
As Archaon failed to mount full blown assault. King Loriel seazed the opportunity to strike Archaons disoriented elites.
Skeletal Warriors failed to charge with Tomb Guard and Ushabtis. Horsemen baby sits chaos spawn.
Magic was low double 1+1 and 2 from casket. I decided to go for risk
- I casted 1 PD smiting on Tomb Guards. It went through without hope of dispel with 1 die.
- I casted 1 PD cursed blades and it also went through without possibility of dispel.
- I casted 2 pd casket on Vortex beast, my opponent tried to dispel it but failed it. Too bad Vortex Beast didn't suffer any wounds on light of death.
At close combat Chariots pretty much performed as good as last time. On Archaon fight, I left priority for challenges to my opponent and he called challenge with Archaon. Tomb Guard champion accepted the challenge and was nailed dead before I could say "cat". Archaon generated 4 combat res in total. His Warriors did over average damage on my tomb guards. Kings My Will be done combined with Ramhotep hatred really helped to grind through nurgle. I rolled very much above average on hitting and wounding and my opponent didn't get many 5+ saves. We actually forgot to roll for his parries and it might have played key part in this battle if we did. Only 4 models along side with Archaon was left when Ushabtis and Tomb Guard combined their forces. They broke and but managed to run pretty high.
Chaos Warriors tried to charge to my HLP. Vortex Mutalith Beast tried to charge skeleton warrior block but failed. Archaons warriors needed double 1 to rally due their big losses. As said before perhaps having used parryes there might have been enough troops to be alive for rallying with normal LD.
Magic was double 3 + 3
- Mutalit Vortex beast casted 6 pd his spell to my Tomb Guards ( This was illegal, since it wasn't at front arc, but didn't realize it until now when I do this bat rep) He got IF and again managed to roll 6 and killed about 10 tomb guards in process and generated another chaos spawn.
At close combat Skullcrushers nailed chariots.
I decided to reform with Tomb Guards. I knew that I could have auto fleed Archaon off board, but I wasn't able to redirect my charge to Mutalith (it was by very short angle) and I decided to trust my chances. Besides I knew that my Ushabtits was going to need all the help they needed. I Tried to swift reform (with ld5) my horsemen to have another babysitting round with spawn, it wasn't possible with normal wheel and naturally failed.
Magic was pretty average something like 4 + 2 and 3 from casket.
- I managed to 2 PD cursed blades on ushabtis 1
- I managed to 3 PD smiting on Ushabtis 1 my opponent tried to dispel this but failed
- I managed to cast 2 PD dissecation on chaos warriors
- I managed to cast 2 PD light of death on lower chaos spawn, but it failed to do any damage.
At close combat My Ushabtis managed to do very low damage on warriors and he managed to kill one of them. Combat resolution was draw and he won the battle with musician. I naturally didn't crumble. We actually forgot to fight that Vortex Beast and Ushabti battle this turn. We realized it during the next ;)
Archaon didn't have supernatural luck with rally and ran off the board. He tried to charge with Skull Crushers to my Ushabtis rear, but failed it. Neede something like 4 with swift ride...
Magic was very low something like double 1+1 and I managed to channel dice. He tried to cast curse of leper to him self on warrior block but I dispelled it.
At close combat Ushabtis survived pretty well chaos warriors, and managed to kill few of them. At Mutalith battle I managed to do few wounds on chaos spawn and vortex beast, but the battle was draw. We realized that we forgot to battle the last turn fight this time and decided that we shouldn't go it again.
I charged Tomb Guard to remaining warrior block rear and skeletal warriors to chaos spawn flank.
I ran my HLP to tomb guard rear in hope of evading the chaos spawn and bringed my horsemen as bait for easy charge. Most likely chaos spawn couldn't killed them all in one turn.
Again I got pretty high magic and managed to cast all but dissecation. I don't remember which did my opponent try to dispel but failed
- Cursed blades on tomb guard
- Smiting on tomb guard
- desert winds
- Light of death on skull curshers, without any damage.
The Report is Copyright (c) 2009 Loriel. All rights reserved.
This document is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Chaos, the Chaos device, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Darkblade, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, 'Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Golden Demon, Great Unclean One, GW, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, the Khorne logo, Lord of Change, Nurgle, the Nurgle logo, Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, the Slaanesh logo, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, Twin Tailed Comet Logo, Tzeentch, the Tzeentch logo, Warhammer, Warhammer Online, Warhammer World logo, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either (r), TM and/or (c) Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2007, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
Component (c) Lynx7725 2009. All rights reserved.
Component by Lynx7725 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Component (c) 2010 Gerry Elliott. All rights reserved.
Component by Gerry Elliott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Component (c) DeeDee 2009. All rights reserved.
Component by DeeDee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Model made with bricks from a Hirst Arts Fantasy Architecture mold.
Component (c) Tom Wright 2009. All rights reserved.
Component by Tom Wright is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Component is Copyright (c) 2009 Tom Wright. All rights reserved.
Component by Tom Wright is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.