We decided to have Battleline. So no roll for scenario. Terrain was randomized as BRB 8th page 142. We got total 10 terrain pieces. After that my brother putted the terrain down as he pleased
Terrain were
- Blessed Bulwark
- Wizard Tower
- Idol of Gork
- Building
- Hill
- Hill
- Hill
- Mysterious river
- Mysterious forest (abyssal forest)
- Mysterious forest
I won deployment side and placed also first. This particular opponent loves to use side way steagadons forthat extra inch for movement. I wil lnot use this kind of shenanigans to gain adavantage eventhough it is better cannon wise and movement wise.
He uses Lore of Light ( Shems burning gaze, Speaad of Light, Net of Amyntok, Bironas )
I rolled Cursed Blades, Protection, Smiting and Vengeance.
He managed to steal initiative even when I got +1 to start roll.
Movement pretyt much as seen here. Skinks revealed river to be boiling.
At magic he rolled pretty average WoM. He casted Net of Amyntok to my Necropolish Knights. He rolled with 2 or 3 PD and rolled double sixes. He powerdrained him self to level 1 mage and was left only with Bironas Timewarp. ( He forgot that he had loremaster of High Magic, since we have concluded in our local group since there isn't that crucial keyword instead of generating spells Slann can have both normal lore generated + loremaster high magic)
At shooting he didn't kill my horsemen units, both survived with only one model. Warpshinx got little barrage from ancient stegadon, but wasn't harmed.
I tried to charge with my Knights to his Cold one cavalry ( I needed 10 to finish the charge) but I failed my str test from amyntok and got 1 wound on knights.
At magic I casted bubble smiting with miscast. I got detonation and my Talisman saved my ass . it was enough to hit every model in my arsenal. It healed H1 to 4 models and H2 to 5 models. My 21 archers killed skink skirmishers with 42 arrow shots (amazing rolling, since I hitted for like 25 of them or something like that) Other skink skirmisher unit suffered only 3 wounds (we decided that wizard tower is 3 stories high so total 15 models can shoot.
He ddid triple charge on my horse archers in hope of over runs. Cold one Cavalry had extremely bad dice roll since he rolled triple 1 two times., since he had idol of gork reroll.
At magic he had only 1 spell, so he tried ot bubble birona, but failed it natively.
At shooting, he did 2 wounds on Necrosphinx with stegadon poison sack pipe. Skirmishers failed to poison my Tect Regeneration!
Naturally he bounded my horse archers with stegadon and overran to my warsphinx
All my EBtS landed pretty much just right there what they needed.
To my greatest harm Necrolith Colossus was blocked by my horse archers, so I decided to do double run (and hope for lot of unstoppable assaults to overcome 4 CR (which came 5 after my bubble smiting) that those archers would have given up. Unfortunately I failed my charge with colossus. My Necrosphinx was just in 10 inch away from stegadon so no stand and shoot for him Necropolish Knigts failed their charge against saurus warriors.
I reformed with Necrotect so it could reach necrosphinx.
At magic I casted Cursed blades on Necrosphinx. Then I casted bubble Smiting. It reached everybody except my Stalkers. Then I tried to casket left cowboy, but he dispelled it.
At shooting 42 shots killed skink skirmishers and 30 shots naturally failed to do wounds on cowboy. Stalkers managed only to do 6 hits (one MF) and killed 2 CoK
At close combat few saurus died against my horse archers ton of attacks. Necrosphinx managed to score HKB (due cursed blades) and finished that Stegadon off. (we pictured it as decapitating the beast) On my greatest surprise that other stegadon ran through my warsphinx with sharpened horns (doing 4 wounds with impact hits) and DAMN skink rider managed to do the last wound to it. He overran to my archers and placed him self in collision course with Casket. '
He charged saurus warriors to Necrolith Colossus. He did triple charge on my Necro knights.
At magic he tried to cast saurus warriors that were in combat with Colossu birona, but I dispelled it.
At close combat he managed to kill my Colossus . Stegadon just barely managed to kill all the archers (crumble was exact. There were 21 models, he did 10 wounds and +1 charge) At knight combat I managed to score Killing blow on my left flank cowboy. I had total 20 serpent strikes, 16 knight strikes and I managed only kill like 4 models in total (luckily that KB) I wont the combat slightly and reformed. My opponent managed to reform so that his saurus block wasn't in the river anymore.
I had hard time to decide wethet to charge saurus warriors flank with Necrosphinx, but I concluded that it was too risky since those saurus could generate lot of CR. So I decided to try long charge on Temple Guards flank and managed with it.
I had to reform with stalkers since they were in Idols of Gork way. (we play it as impassable)
At magic I casted Protection on skeleton tarpit, then I casted small version of dissication (wizard tower loremaster gift) to Saurus warriors on the combat with my skeletons. He tried to dispel it but failed. Then I casted bubble smiting and it reached everybody execpt stalkers.
I tried to shoot scar vet down.
At close combat I only killed 3 temple guards, but won the combat. Too bad they reformed as expected. Skeleton warrior fight went extremely well. I challenged his champion with my tect and killed him. and my tect lived to see another day. I lost the combat by 1. Necroknights really nailed saurus warriors this time, total 10 died or something like that. Both broke up and CoK champion ran in to river and failed DT test. I decided not overrun since that stegadon with sharpened horns really was looking too awful.
He managed to rally his saururs warriors (they weren't 25% down.)
He managed to cast Bironas Timewarp to his temple guards.
Temple guards rerolling 3x attacks were just too much for Necrophinx. Saurus Veteran reared my skeletons but I called up challenge with my unit champion to reduce redeadened undeads ;) Allthough I had dissication and protection on I rolled horribly this round and my opponent rolled much better and lost the combat by 10 or something like that. Sharpened stegadon hits weren't too tough and my serpents poison made sure that stegadon went down. ( i killed him exactl)
I charged remaining saurus warriors with my Knights. They took flee as charge reaction. I tried to redirect my charge to the flank of saurus warriors, but failed in distance. Scorpion managed to charge to the rear of warriors and due tomb swarms placement Scorpion was only able to get in base contact with single saurus.
I had hard time to decide what to do with my Stalkers, since they couldn't get them self out of harms way and unfortunately I couldn't chase those runing saurus warriors or shoot them to get their points.., there were exactly 5 models (and we remembered to kill the banner bearer when they broke the combat) Then I decided that because I couldn't out run those temple guards while they were on double movement I should just face them and hope for the best shooting ever.
I got only 5 PD this turn so 2 pd protection on skeletons (resurrected my champion) My opponent dispelled dissication from saurus.
Luckily my archers shot managed to kill 2 temple guards... THEN I got my lady dices up and running. First of all I got 24 shots (10 + 10 + 4) from stalkers and I managed to kill 12 Temple guards with it... He was left with only his command group and Slann in the unit.
At skeleton fight I challenged scar vet again with my champ to reduce total casualties. Too bad I lost the combat with exact 4 so my scorpion died of crumble.
He charged stalkers with Temple guards. He managed again rally his warriors.
He managed to cast Biron on temple guards with IF and miscasted only damage to him self which he warded off.
I managed to kill one of his TG on stalker combat but they crumbled up.
At skeleton Fight I challenged with Tect his scar vet. He failed to kill tect! Also I had little bit luck with my wards so I only lost total 10 (crumble + wounds)
At this turn one of my greatest and funniest Warhammer momemt occured. I charged my Knights to his Temple guard / Slann and he took flee. Then I tried to redirect to saurus warrior combat. Then I took another charge move with my tomb swarm in order to hope that hw would have ran off the table (neede like 10 to do so). But he rolled like double 1 1 or something with his flee roll then and I rolled double six and Temple guards were exactly 16 inches away from my Swarm! Catch and swarm had his share of frog meat. At this moment my opponent yielded. (it was rather late for us and he was rather tired ( Imo he still had good chance of having alot of points with chargin those remaining saurus warriors to my hierophant and other saurus to my swarms. Then tried to do few wounds on those knights with scar vet and hope for really bad crumble.
Final score was 2697 - 1090
The Report is Copyright (c) 2009 Loriel. All rights reserved.
This document is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Chaos, the Chaos device, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Darkblade, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, 'Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Golden Demon, Great Unclean One, GW, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, the Khorne logo, Lord of Change, Nurgle, the Nurgle logo, Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, the Slaanesh logo, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, Twin Tailed Comet Logo, Tzeentch, the Tzeentch logo, Warhammer, Warhammer Online, Warhammer World logo, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either (r), TM and/or (c) Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2007, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
miniature (c) 2009 Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission
Component (c) Tom Wright 2009. All rights reserved.
Component by Tom Wright is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Component (c) 2010 Gerry Elliott. All rights reserved.
Component by Gerry Elliott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Component (c) Tom Wright 2010. All rights reserved.
Component by Tom Wright is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Component (c) Tom Wright 2010. All rights reserved.
Component by Tom Wright is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Component is Copyright (c) 2009 Tom Wright. All rights reserved.
Component by Tom Wright is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.