Empire vs. Cursed Kings


Location: Winterfell
Date played: 15. joulukuuta 2014

We decided to have Battleline. No roll for scenario

Terrain was randomized as BRB 8th page 142. I won the first terrain pick. Terrain placement order is below

- Building

- Big forest behind the building (great deny for casket from my opponetn)

- Blessed Bulwark

- Temple of Skulls

- Small forest

Basicly I placed building to other deployment zone just for lich homestead. I placed those walls to other side of the table if my opponent would have choosed the bottom side. As last pick I placed small forest on middle. I though this would hurt him more if he would take this side.


General: Empire General

  • Lord
  • Lect Infantry (Character), Arch Lector
    General, Talisman of Preservation, Heavy armor, shield
    303 points
  • Mage Infantry (Character), Battle Wizard Lord
    Lore of light ( Shems burning gaze, Speed of light, Net of amyntok, Banishment )
    200 points
  • Hero
  • BSB Infantry (Character), Captain of the Empire
    Battle Standard Bearer, enchanted shield, dawnstone, ironcurse icon, full plate armor
    126 points
  • Engi1 Infantry (Character), Master Engineer
    65 points
  • Engi2 Infantry (Character), Master Engineer
    65 points
  • Engi3 Infantry (Character), Battle Wizard
    Lore of light (Shems) Dispel scroll
    90 points
  • Core
  • Halb1 44 Infantry, Halberdiers
    Full Command (regiment), Shields
    338 points
  • Halb2 11 Infantry, Halberdiers
    66 points
  • Halb3 11 Infantry, Halberdiers
    66 points
  • Arch1 10 Infantry, Archers
    70 points
  • Arch2 5 Infantry, Archers
    35 points
  • Arch3 5 Infantry, Archers
    35 points
  • Special
  • O1 5 Cavalry, Outriders
    105 points
  • O2 5 Cavalry, Outriders
    105 points
  • GC1 War machine, Great Cannon
    120 points
  • GC2 Warmachine, Great Cannon
    120 points
  • GC3 Warmachine, Great Cannon
    120 points
  • Rare
  • Hur Chariot, Celestial Hurricanum
    130 points
  • Hell1 Warmachine, Helblaster Volley Gun
    120 points
  • Hell2 Warmachine, Helblaster Volley Gun
    120 points
  • Total: 2399 points

Cursed Kings

General: Loriel

  • Lord
  • HLP Infantry (Character), High Liche Priest
    Level 4, Lore of Nehekhara (Cursed blades, Smiting, Vengeance and DIssication), Hierophant, DIspell scroll, Talisman of Preservation
    280 points
  • Hero
  • Apop Infantry (Character), Prince Apophas
    130 points
  • Core
  • Horse1 5 Cavalry, Horse Archers
    70 points
  • Horse2 5 Cavalry, Horse Archers
    70 points
  • Cha1 3 Chariot, Skeleton Chariots
    165 points
  • Cha2 3 Chariot, Skeletal Chariots
    165 points
  • Arc2 21 Infantry, Archers
    136 points
  • Special
  • Scorp1 Monstrous Beast, Tomb Scorpion
    85 points
  • Scorp2 Monstrous Beast, Tomb Scorpion
    85 points
  • Stalk 3 Monsterous Beast, Sepulchral Stalkers
    165 points
  • T1 2 Swarm, Tomb Swarm
    80 points
  • T2 2 Swarm, Tomb Swarm
    80 points
  • Knigh 3 Monsterous Cavalry, Necropolish Knights
    Banner & Musician
    215 points
  • C1 4 War beast, Carrions
    96 points
  • C2 4 War beast, Carrions
    96 points
  • Rare
  • Cask War Machine, Cascet of Souls
    135 points
  • Necro Monster, Necrosphinx
    225 points
  • SSC War Machine, Screaming Skull Catapult
    Skulls of the Foe
    120 points
  • Total: 2398 points


My opponent got his deployment first and won the starting roll.

At the time that I realized that he came with the exactly same list as he did on 5.2 against my horsemen list I though that HLP would be very safe behind the building, rather than inside the unit. Luckily the forest turned out to be ordinary forest. I also managed to get cover from two cannons with casket, as my opponnent really didn't pay attention to deploying his cannons,when he though that forest denied cover for casket.

Turn 1 - Empire

My opponent keeped up his usually tactic of being very immobile. (there was perhaps some minor movement with halberdiers or something, but hoenstly don't remember)

At magic he got 4+3 +1 (hurriculum). He casted Banishment on 4 PD on my carrionrs and I tried to dispel it and failed. He casted bigger version of shems with 4 PD to other carrion unit. Both units were reduced to single wound.

At shooting his first cannon shot missfired and destroyed the cannon. He placed his cannons too closely and the other paniced away. Another cannon tried to hit casket but missed. On both flanks outriders and hellblasters shooted horse archers, but with some miracle my left flank survived.

Turn 1 - Cursed Kings

I managed to charge his hellblaster with my horse archers

I went full speed ahead from all fronts.

I got 6+5 WoM so was capped at 12 pd. First I casted 2 pd upgraded version of cursed blades n C1 unit. Managed to heal 4 wounds back. Then I casted 5 PD casket to right volley gun (rolled pretty high) and my opponent dispelled it with all of his dices. Then I casted bubble smiting on 5 pd and my C1 unit was at full strength and C2 got 4 wounds back.

At shooting I decided to try double panic test for archers and halberdiers, and to maximize scatter. My archers and skeletal chariots failed to deliver decent blow with those volleys of str 3 shooting.

At close combat no wounds was inflicted so I won combat by 1, but my opponent managed to hold.


Turn analyze:

- I still have hard time of using catapults. At this moment I was too concerned about scattering out side that I didn't try to shoot Hurriculum down.

- Perhaps moving HLP in building this turn would have served purpose to the later games. I was still too concerned about net of amyntok / banishment / shems shooting at my HLP archer unit that I decided to stay put. For example horse archers would have been on smiting range and more likely would have killed blaster.

- It was nice to see some TK resurrection power. C2 had 3 wounds in so I managed to pretty much nullify my opponents last turn magic.

Turn 2 - Empire

He charged to my horse archers with his halberdier detachment. Allthough picture seems like it would have been flank charge, it was frontal. He backed of with his halberdiers from the deployment line so he wouldn't be at 24 inch range with my archers inside the building.

Magic was again 4+3 + 1 (hurriculum) This time I managed to dispel his 4pd banishment on my carrions with 4 DD. He casted double shems burning gaze other from level 1 and other from level 4. He couldn't shoot both magic to same target. Carrion 1 was left again with 1 wounds and Carrion 2 got 2 wounds.

Too bad I lost the skirmishing bonus against to hits, since he rolled badly with hellblaster but still managed to kill C2. On the left flank his outriders nailed the last carrion.

Turn 2 - Cursed Kings

None of my EBtS missifred. Only tomb swarm 2 got scattered 10 inches. I originally tried to place them in front of halberdier horde. I tried desperately long charge with necroknights, since I allready though that I would move them about 4 inches forward anyway. I charged to arhcer with chariots and then overran in to halberdier unit. Too bad its angle wasn't optimal for necrosphinx to overrun to big halberd unit.

This time I moved my HLP in building with the archers. This way I got better range to spells.

Magic was 6+6. I went really dull using 4 PD casket on right hellblaster and my opponent let it go and it failed to do damage and then failed to bounce. Then I casted 5 PD smiting got IF and survived with detonation.

At shooting I decided to go for hurriculum, managed to hit it and do 3 wounds on it. My archer shooting again failed to deliver significant damage Stalkers nailed great cannon.

Close combat was pretty straight for chariots to kill archers, sphinx killing volley gun and overruning in to engineer.


Turn analyze:

- I used prince apophas and tomb swarms to guide arch lector movement in hope of getting his hatred out of question.

- My basic idea here was to have sphinx doing exactly what it did. Next turn it would have opportunity to reform after killing engineer. I hoped that my opponent would have charged my chariots flanks with his halberdiers, that my apophas + swarm block would prevent arch lector to aid them in combat and then after my sphinx would have reformed he would have hard time to decide which model he wants to have in rear knights or sphinx. At this moment I really didn't realize that arhcers were so close to block knights movement. On retrospective my arhcers on building should have relaly shooted that detachment archers.

Turn 3 - Empire

He charged to my flank with the halberdiers. He charged my other scorpon with hurriculum.

As I said before I really didn't realize that those arhcers were so close, so they effectively blocked knights from charing halberdiers next turn. He decided to leave level 4 and joined one of the detachment. He moved archers to face the other scorpion. He tried to move his lector, but couldn't do it due my blockades and the way he played his halberdier detachment.

At magic he got 5+3 +1 (hrriculum). He tried to nail Necropolish knights with banishment which I dispelled with DD and bigger version of shems which I scrolled. He casted smaller version with 1 PD to tomb scorpion and it died (or was it few damage and str 3 shots killed him.... )

At shooting he cannon missed again casket. Hellblaster and outriders shot chariots and they were left with one wound!

At close combat he did 2 damage with impact hits with hurriculum. Then I managed to do 2 poison strikes (and since my catapult nailed hurriculum 3 wounds) it died.

Turn 3 - Cursed Kings

My opponents surprise appophas had flying, so I managed to charge halberdiers in rear with it. Tomb swarms went for great cnanon, necrosphinx went for arch lector. It was very close call that if I woudl have charged archers with chariot that tightnening movement would have allowed necroknights to get in the rear of halberdiers, but still they would have clipped to arhcers. So charge to hellblaster with single wound chariot in hope of overrunning to halberdiers.

I moved my stalkers further in hope of shooting level 1 mage bunker. then placed tomb swarms just somewhere near....

Magic was 5+5+1 from casket. I casted Vengeance on big halberdier block. I managed to cast double six on casket for outriders, they got few wounds and paniced out of the field. I tried to cast cursed blades on sphinx, but my opponent dispelled it. I casted smiting small version on arhcers, but my opponent dispelled it too.

This time my shooting was pretty good I got direct hit on halberd unit with catapult and about 10 models died. my archers managed to do little damage on them also. I really should have measuered thing rather than just trusting my poor eyes. Stalkers weren't no where near that archer bunker...

At close combat my Sphinx failed to do wounds due ward saves. He managed to pass break test on -2 modifier and managed to combat reform from loss. My apophas managed to do 5 wounds with 5 attacks. chariot killed 4 models before they managed to land the deadly finishing blow to it. Too bad I used apophas breat weapon on this combat, but I wanted to make sure that I break tha poor bastard with no doubt. And my apophas allready had 2 wounds in him, so it was very likely that next turn he might have been killed. Tomb swarms did 2 wounds and great cannon crew made 2 wounds. He didn't break.


Turn analyze:

- Stalkers were very badly played this time. I just looked up that ok they manage to get in range. Perhaps I though that fine they killed the cannon and that was enough. On retrospective I really should have turned them to face better halberdiers and since I couldn't be sure that outriders would have been taken care of by casket perhaps turn them so they could have shot them too.

- Tomb swarms are perfect war machine hunters. They have reliability to stay there and as for threath they aren't nearly as big threat as for example scorpions are. And are actually very hard to remove from battle field.

Turn 4 - Empire

He charged my tomb swarm with his halberdiers. He got fairly decent ammount of damage from DT test and got 1 wound against BSB.

Magic was pretty high if I remmber correctly. He used 6 PD shems burning gaze on knights and just barely failed to kill them. AGAIN, in this game I was left with unitthat had single wound.

Shooting was next to nothing.

At close combat he naturally anhilated my swarm, but was forced to do another DT and his BSB died (due second wound from dt) and he lost fairly ammount of models in the process. Tomb Swarm managed to nail cannon.

Turn 4 - Cursed Kings

I tried to charge with swarm to arhcers flank. Single wounded knight charged to arch lector (he was banner bearer)

Magic was again 5+5+2 from casket. I casted Dissecation on archers. I casted vengeance on halberdiers, I tried to cast smiting on archers but that got disppelled if my memory serves me right. Casket managed to hit outrider, but they managed to hold their nerves. Originally engineer was just barely 6 inches apart, but when models were taken off master engineer was out of harms way =(

Still shooting with archers was most effective in this game. Only 2 archers survived (one funny aspect in this matte was that dissecation didn't help at all with this roll, so no 3 to wound rolls) My catapult tried to lucky shoot mage, but scattered.

At close combat Arch Lector finally broke (only managed to do 1 wound, but got 3 static from banner, flank and charge). I took long time to consider whether to pursuit with both, or would I turn Sphinx eye on halberd unit. Finally I came up that arch lector was nearly as much points (actually more since +100 general) that he was the main target. so both pursuits. Unfortunately he rolled 11 escape roll.. Halberdiers managed to just exactly kill the stalkers. He did 4 wounds, I did 3, he had charge, flank, rank and banner. so he won the combat by5... AND NOW when i write this down I remembered that they have animated construct rule.... well that really wouldn't turned the game around.

Turn 5 - Empire

He failed to rally his lector and outriders. they both got very short flee range.

At magic he tried to shoot apophas with shems burning, but I dispelled it.

Turn 5 - Cursed Kings

I was at 16 inch away from arch lector with my sphinx. and master engineer blcoked knights charge. I charged to outriders first with sphinx, and then redirected it to lector. He rolled 5 inch more, so I needed 11 to get to lector and of course lady dices gived me 11. I charged archers with swarm and apophas. Terrror check forced them to flee.

At magic I got again 6+6. (this was 5th time in this battle that I had 11 or 12 dice) I casted vengeance on halberdiers again. I tried to cast dissecation. I tried to casket halberdiers.

Turn 6 - Empire

He charged apophas, suffered again some wounds on DT. Too bad he managed to kill apophas before he did anything. and too bad that explosion didn't do damage.

Turn 6 - Cursed Kings

I failed to charge with knight. It was like 11 inches charge. Tomb swarms managed to get in combat. Too bad that I couldn't shoot them now.

At magic I had again 11 dices. gave tomb swarms killing blow (healing) and it would have helped against 6+ armour save. Then I tried to bigger version of dissecation, but my opponent dispelled it with amry DD:

At close combat something absolutely brilliant happened. First of all my opponent feared. Then he rolled horribly with the dices when needed to wound roll of 2+. And I rolled pretty good with my 6 dices, managed to do 2 killing blows and 2 poisons. No saves at all He lost the combat by (was it 3) but due steadfast managed to hold...

Final score 2261 - 1207!

The Report is Copyright (c) 2009 Loriel. All rights reserved.

This document is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Chaos, the Chaos device, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Darkblade, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, 'Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Golden Demon, Great Unclean One, GW, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, the Khorne logo, Lord of Change, Nurgle, the Nurgle logo, Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, the Slaanesh logo, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, Twin Tailed Comet Logo, Tzeentch, the Tzeentch logo, Warhammer, Warhammer Online, Warhammer World logo, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either (r), TM and/or (c) Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2007, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

Component (c) Lynx7725 2009. All rights reserved.
Component by Lynx7725 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

Component (c) 2010 Gerry Elliott. All rights reserved.
Component by Gerry Elliott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

Component (c) Tom Wright 2009. All rights reserved.
Component by Tom Wright is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

Component (c) DeeDee 2009. All rights reserved.
Component by DeeDee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

An Item in an image (c) Games Workshop PLC 2009. All rights reserved. Used without permission

Component is Copyright (c) 2009 Tom Wright. All rights reserved.
Component by Tom Wright is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

Component (c) Aaron Port 2009. All rights reserved.
Battle Chronicler Component by Aaron Port is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

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